Project Description

Optigraze (21-0-0+1MgO+30SO3+8Na)

A true compound fertiliser with high quality Nitrogen and Sodium in combination with beneficial complex Humic Substances and Trace Elements.

Why use Optigraze?

  • Grazing specific fertiliser
  • Includes HumberPalmers unique base of Humic Substances
  • Specifically formulated to improve palatability
  • Designed to optimize grass utilisation
  • Agronomical suitable where soil P and K indices are medium or high

Benefits of improving palatability

  • Improved animal intakes
  • Tighter grazing
  • Optimum grass utilisation
  • Less waste


HumberPalmers fertiliser grades are available in 600kg top lift bags – some grades can be supplied in 25kg bags on pallets in one tonne units on request.

HumberPalmers Advanced Granulation Technology
HumberPalmers Products
HumberPalmers Products
HumberPalmers Products
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